Equality impact assessments

We are committed to making progress with equality impact assessments. They help us identify and understand the equality impact of all of our work.

We assess the impact of our policies and practices against the needs of the General Equality Duty. Our impact assessments focus on maximising positive impacts and reducing negative impacts on people who share one or more of the protected characteristics. They also identify actions to improve the way we collect information about equalities. We consider evidence relating to people who share protected characteristics and develop actions to take account of the results. We regularly review our impact assessments as we update or change policies and practices. 

In line with the requirements of the Public Sector Equality Duty we publish equality impact assessments as they are completed.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) response and recovery planning 

COVID-19 directly, and indirectly, causes short and long-term harm to Scotland and its population in numerous ways. We recognise that this is a public health crisis which affects everyone, but the harms caused are not being felt equally. It is therefore key that we seek to understand how COVID-19 has impacted, and is still impacting, people and communities.

We continue to assess the impact of our policies and practices we move through and out of the pandemic. This ensures we maximise positive impacts and reduce negative impacts on people who share one or more of the protected characteristics.

Equality impact of COVID-19 – evidence summary (October 2020) – This evidence draws heavily from the Coronavirus (COVID-19): framework for decision making and focuses on the harm to people’s health by reviewing the health and wellbeing inequalities related to COVID-19.


Date published: 29 March 2023
Date updated: 23 December 2024


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