Children's Rights and Corporate Parenting

Never underestimate the value of sporting opportunities to care experienced young people – they can be life changing

– Ian, care experienced young person 

In 2015, sportscotland was designated as a Corporate Parent under Part 9 of the Children and Young People Act 2014 (Scotland), alongside other public bodies and organisations including local authorities, health boards and the police. 

Our role as a corporate parent is to understand the lives of Scotland’s care experienced young people and respond to their needs as any parent should. 

2024-27 Corporate Parenting Plan 

We have published our 2024-27 Corporate Parenting plan. To develop our new plan, we engaged directly with care experienced young people and listened to their views on the sporting system. Our new commitments aim to create an environment for change, helping remove discrimination and barriers to involvement and ensure the same access and opportunities as others. 

You can access our Corporate Patenting plan below:  

Our previous Corporate Parenting Plans

In 2016, we published our first three-year corporate parenting plan. This set out our first commitments to improving the lives of Scotland’s care-experienced young people through participation in sport. We also listed the actions we would take to meet these commitments.

In 2020, we published our refreshed corporate parenting plan, to support Scotland’s care experienced young people to take part in sport and physical activity and feel welcome. 

You can access our corporate parenting plans below: 

Corporate Parenting Progress Reports  

In the following reports, we outline the progress we’ve made and highlight some examples of our work in action:

Children’s Rights Report

We have a duty to uphold children and young people’s rights in our work. Every three years we must show what we are doing to achieve this. You can access our Children’s Rights Reports below

We are in the process of developing our second Children’s Rights Report and will aim to publish in Summer 2023.

Sport For Life 

Our corporate strategy, Sport For Life, sets out the direction for sport and sportscotland. Our vision is for an active Scotland where everyone benefits from sport. Our mission is to help the people of Scotland get the most from the sporting system.

Sport for Life sets out a commitment to inclusion underpinning everything we do. Our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) approach has three strands which brings this commitment to life. Sport for Life and our approach to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion ( Our duties as a Corporate Parent support our EDI approach and help us deliver against our vision. 

If you’d like more information about our role as a Corporate Parent,  or would like our plan in an alternative format/language, please contact Darren McKay: 

Date published: 29 March 2023
Date updated: 27 May 2024


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