About us

sportscotland is the national agency for sport in Scotland. Our vision is an active Scotland where everyone benefits from sport. In an active Scotland we will all find ways to be physically active every day. Keeping moving at home and at work. Taking an active approach to getting around. Choosing to be active in our leisure time.

More of us will take part in sport because we see it being relevant to our lives. Being involved in ways that suit us. Meeting fewer barriers. Feeling more included. We will all experience more of the benefits of sport. For some of us, by taking part. For others, through our communities.

Our approach

To help us deliver the many benefits of sport to everyone in Scotland, we’re guided by six key principles:


We understand the barriers people face and proactively address them so everyone has the opportunity to get involved in sport and physical activity.


We plan well, we measure our performance and we are accountable for delivering outcomes.


We adapt what we do based on how we’re doing and what’s happening around us.


We listen to people and put their voices at the heart of our thinking.


We develop and strengthen partnerships and collaborations across the public, voluntary and private sectors.

World class

We do everything to the highest possible standard, while seeking to continuously improve.

Find out more on the Sport For Life website.

Date published: 24 February 2023
Date updated: 17 January 2025


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