
1.    What sport are you involved in and what is it that you love about it?

Currently I am not involved in any specific sport as I found a passion for coaching. When I was in fourth year at St Matthew’s Academy, I was given the opportunity to become a Young Ambassador for North Ayrshire by my Active Schools Coordinator. This allowed me to start coaching various sports to children and young people within the St Matthew’s Academy cluster primary schools and the academy itself. Becoming a North Ayrshire Young Ambassador was only the start of my coaching journey as I am now in third year at UWS studying sports coaching and development.

Sport has always played a massive role in my life whether that was as a participant or as a coach. Growing up I participated in a variety of sports such as athletics, cross country, dance, field hockey, football, and gymnastics. When I was younger, I loved getting involved in sport at any given opportunity as it allowed me meet new people and learn new skills. Now that I am older, I want to provide the younger generation with the same positive experiences that I had within sport and allow them to find a love for sport.


What motivated you to be part of the Young People’s Sport Panel?

The opportunity to make a difference in sport across Scotland motivated me to become part of the Young People’s Sport Panel. Involvement in the YPSP provides you with the opportunity to utilise your voice to make a positive impact in the sporting world.  It is really important that the opinions and views of young people across Scotland are heard and listened to in order to improve the future of sport. My sporting journey started at four years old and has played a crucial role in my life ever since. I am passionate about being able to give back to sport because I want other young people to experience sport the same way I have.

In 2024, I attended the annual Scottish Disability Sport summer camp in Aviemore which motivated me to want to make a difference in sport. Attending the SDS summer camp made me aware of the limited sporting opportunities for individuals with additional support needs across Scotland. During my time at camp, I was told that for some children and young people summer camp is the only opportunity they get to participate in sport. By being on the YPSP I hope to change this by providing all children and young people with an equal opportunity to participate in sport.


3.   How do you think sport can help support young people in Scotland?

I think that sport can help support young people across Scotland in various different ways. Participation in sport and physical activity can provide support for young people in regards to their mental and physical health. For many young people sport is utilised as an “escape from reality” due to the positive benefits it has on them as an individual and the importance it has within their lives. Sport allows individuals to divert their attention away from any issues or stress that they may experience in their everyday life.

There are many long-term positive impacts that sport can have on young people as they progress into adulthood. Involvement in sport and physical activity enables children and young people to develop skills that will be beneficial throughout their life. During sport participation the development of communication, confidence, leadership, problem solving, and teamwork is enhanced. It also provides them with a safe environment to be themselves, participate in the sport that they love and spend time with their friends.


 Is Is there a role model who inspires you? What is it about them that you admire?

Throughout my life I have been fortunate to meet various individuals that I consider to be admirable role models. In my fourth year at St Matthew’s Academy, I became closely involved with North Ayrshire Active Schools thanks to my Active Schools co-ordinator at the time, Archie McNicol. He provided me with various opportunities to deliver and promote sport within my school community. During my senior years at academy, he constantly supported me and encouraged me to reach my full potential. Before becoming involved with Active Schools, I had absolutely no idea what I wanted to do when I left school or what job I wanted when I was older. My experiences within North Ayrshire Active Schools have ultimately shaped my career plan for the future. I admire his ability to always put a smile on everybody’s face and his passion to create positive experiences for children and young people within sport.

However, there is one individual that has been my main role model for as long as I can remember, my dad. He has been my inspiration since I was a child and still is to this day. My dad has always provided me with guidance on all aspects of life which has allowed me to be in this position. Without my dad’s constant guidance and support, I would definitely not be the person that I am today. He has always encouraged me to try my best and take on any challenge that crosses my path. He always puts others first before himself and he always has a smile on his face no matter the situation, he always has such a positive outlook on life, and I admire this about him.

Date published: 26 February 2025
Date updated: 26 February 2025


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