What sport are you involved in and what do you love about it?
My two main sports are archery and rugby. Firstly I love archery because it's very skill based and precise. The sense of achievement is amazing after working so hard. I also love rugby, as it's a a great way to feel part of a family on and off the pitch. However, I love to try all new sports.
What motivated you to be a part of the Young People's Sport Panel?
I wanted to join the YPSP because I want my voice to be heard and I believe I have good ideas to share and make a difference in sport across Scotland.
How do you think sport can help support young people in Scotland?
Personally, sport is a great way to escape from life and stress, it's very good for my own mental health so I believe everyone should have that escape just like I have had.
Is there a role model who inspires you? What is it about them you admire?
My biggest role model is Lisa Thompson, she's a rugby player for Scotland 15s, Edinburgh 15s, GB 7s and Trailfinders. She used to coach me at the start of high school, and ever since then I've looked up to her. What inspires me most is her drive and passion for the sport we both adore.