Status of role: voluntary position
After an independent safeguarding review, we established the wellbeing and protection committee in 2023. This subcommittee of the board represents Scottish Gymnastics regarding child protection, safeguarding, and athlete wellbeing.
The wellbeing and protection committee will provide advice and guidance on all safeguarding matters ensuring practical, strategic, and operational support to deliver Scottish Gymnastics’ safeguarding strategic objectives.
Due to the resignation of a committee member, we are seeking a dedicated and passionate individual from our membership to join our wellbeing and protection committee. The ideal candidate should have a strong commitment to child protection, safeguarding, and athlete wellbeing. We are particularly interested in applications from existing coaches.
As a member of this group, you will steer, advise, and challenge, where appropriate, the Scottish Gymnastics board of directors and all decision-making bodies within Scottish Gymnastics on wellbeing, protection and safeguarding matters as well as develop and drive forward the strategic objectives on wellbeing, protection and safeguarding and review the company’s performance against these. As well as act as an ambassador for wellbeing and protection in Scottish Gymnastics always promoting and embodying our culture and values.
It is envisaged a wellbeing and protection committee member will serve for an initial period of two years.
You must be a current Scottish Gymnastics member.
Further information and applications
Closing date: Friday 28 March.
We encourage applicants from a variety of backgrounds to apply, as we believe that a diverse committee will bring a wide range of perspectives and experiences, enhancing our ability to achieve our goals effectively.