Job vacancies – submission guidelines

Our jobs in sport page lists vacancies from organisations across the sport sector in Scotland and the UK. We include paid or voluntary roles, back office and those involved in the delivery of sport.

It’s free to advertise your vacancies on the site and your advert will reach a broad audience of people involved in sport in Scotland.


We aim to publish a short advert on our website and signpost users to your own site or recruitment portal for more information and applications. This lets applicants interact with your site and find out more about your organisation before submitting their application.


We publish all adverts as web pages. This is the most accessible format for all users, especially for:

  • people with disabilities (20% of the population) 
  • people using mobile devices (at least 50% of our site’s users).

We don't host third party document attachments (PDF, Word, Excel, images etc) as we can’t guarantee that these formats will meet our legal obligations for digital accessibility.

Submission guidelines

We ask that you submit content in the body of an email, MS Word, plain text or as a link. Please don’t send PDF documents or content embedded in images as these are harder to create web pages from.

Information to include

Closing date and time – If you don’t specify a closing date, we’ll publish your advert for a month. If you specify a date but not a time, we’ll leave the advert open until 23:59 on that day.

Application process - Specify the process to apply for the job. This could be a link to your website /recruitment portal or an email address.

Paid or voluntary – Please be clear about whether your role is paid or voluntary.

Things to avoid

Tables: Please try and avoid presenting information within tables. Tables don’t work well on smaller screens and are often less accessible. Often tables are used to present essential and desirable requirements but we’ve found that bulleted lists work better across different screen sizes.

Shortened links: Please don't use short links that redirect to another URL. It’s always best to let the user see where the link is taking them. We don’t publish the full links on our website so the length of the URL is not an issue. We always use descriptive link text like “Further information and applications” as the call to action and the full URL can be seen by hovering over this text.

Please send your adverts to We’ll aim to get your advert published as soon as possible.

Date published: 20 September 2023
Date updated: 12 June 2024


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Enquiries should be submitted using by email to