Role – A Vision for Squash Refereeing in Scotland Working Group member
Commitment – Voluntary, initially online meeting once a month, frequency then to be determined by the needs of the group
Application deadline – 27th September 2024
Contact – Stuart Monteith, Workforce Development Manager,
In order to ensure that squash officiating in Scotland is in a strong and sustainable position to safeguard the sport now and in the years to come, there is a need to develop a strategy for the future of refereeing.
Changes to refereeing qualifications on a global level, challenges with supporting new officials into the sport and a need to give all referees an opportunity to find a level of officiating which meets their needs in terms of enjoyment, challenge and ambition mean that a plan is required to meet these challenges.
We also need to ensure that the refereeing workforce is representative of Scotland’s squash community as a whole – by encouraging more people from under-represented groups to give refereeing a try.
To support this effort, Scottish Squash are seeking individuals with expertise and experience in any (or all) of officiating (squash, or any other sport), playing squash competitively, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and Strategic Planning.
We are looking for bold ideas to give Scotland an edge as we aim to lead the way as one of the first countries in the world to develop a comprehensive officiating strategy.
You can read more, including a project scope, projected timeline and more in A Vision for Squash Refereeing in Scotland – Final.