Local authority Active Schools data 2014/15

If you are looking to find out more about a specific local authority’s figures we recommend contacting the local Active Schools manager directly.

There are no set comparator authorities for the Active Schools data. Education Scotland do have a list of suggested comparator areas for each local authority, which may be helpful as Active Schools is based in the school environment. Please note: the structure of Active Schools can vary between local authorities, which may make these comparators less useful.

If you would like more information on Active Schools data, please contact as.monitoring@sportscotland.org.uk

Please see this link to the websites for each local Active Schools teams


Error in Active Schools Report 2014-2015

An error was found within the Active Schools 2014-2015 data that was published 10 September 2015 which has affected a number of the reports. If you shared or downloaded previous versions of the Active Schools Reports, please discard them. Apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused. If you would like to get in touch with us please do so at as.monitoring@sportscotland.org.uk

Date published: 21 June 2023
Date updated: 22 June 2023


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