PE - primary

“The School Sport Award is a great continuous improvement tool that can be used to evaluate the PEPAS agenda in full; including the Scottish Governments entitlement to 2 hours/periods of Physical Education. The tool will help schools to evaluate their inclusive practice and aid delivery of a holistic approach to all aspects of school sport” 

Tracy Johnston, Senior Education Officer, Education Scotland 

Physical Education actions 

If your assessment tool has highlighted this as an area for improvement, here’s some simple actions your school sport committee can add to their action plan: 

Delivering 2 hours or 2 periods of Physical Education per week to every child (P.1- P.7 and S.1- S. 4) 

There are several websites where further information can be found: 

Physical Education experiences 

  • We recognise the importance of relaxation to keep our minds healthy and to bring our bodies back to a calm resting state after physical activity.  
  • Nurture groups are short term, focussed intervention for children with particular social, emotional and difficulties which are creating a barrier to learning within a mainstream class. 
  • Motor Development improves children’s gross motor skills including: Organisational spatial awareness, body awareness, body management, co-ordination, processing skills for eye tracking, listening and speaking. 
  • Surveys are issued at the start of the academic year to all parents, pupils and staff. Results are collated and used to inform yearly planning. 
  • New P.E. planners have been rolled out across the school which have increased teacher’s confidence in providing high quality experiences in P.E. 
  • Introduction of Sport captains has increased confidence and leadership of the children involved in the programme. 
  • Increased provision of sporting activities had led to more choice and availability of spaces for children to participate in sports clubs, events and competitions. 
  • CLPL opportunities have led to increased confidence in the infant staff when providing play experiences. 
  • Skill based approach used during indoor PE teaching and learning sessions to develop existing and new skills e.g. pass and move. 
  • Outdoor PE sessions provides opportunities for children to lead their learning. Children are able to choose a sport or a variety of sports related to teaching theme. 
  • Children are able to transfer skills learned during indoor PE to a variety of sporting games. 
  • Children are able to improve their learning by assessing their own performances. Children are able to identify their strengths. Children are able to identify their development priorities and set targets for themselves. 
  • Visual Aids: Visual aids assist in creating an engaging environment for all children, particularly those with EAL. They increase understanding and help children to explore their potential. 

Date published: 24 July 2023
Date updated: 24 July 2023


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