Success and the lure of winning are the main motivating factors that help drive your child to work hard, especially during the winter and busy competition periods. Success and winning are not necessarily the same thing. Your child, like any athlete, is not always in control of winning as it depends on many factors. However, your child’s success is within their control and is something which can be achieved on a daily or weekly basis.
The great coach John Wooden (one of America’s most successful coaches) defines success as two main things:
- “Never try to be better than someone else. Learn from others, and try to be the best you can be. Success is the by-product of that preparation”.
- “Success comes from knowing that you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming”.
Success in terms of winning is never a certainty, but if your child focuses on success in terms of learning to be the best they can be it will promote feelings of success, control and confidence.
Together with the coaches and the support staff at sportscotland institute of sport you can support your child to become the best they can be. The support of you as parents is invaluable! Please get in touch if you would like discuss your child’s support in more detail.