We are looking for employers in the region who would be keen to offer placements or internships to our sports students. We are open to all employers that feel they would benefit from having students involved and who can offer supervision and feedback for our students.
We have students across 5 pathways:
- Sport development & coaching
- Sport & exercise science
- Strength & conditioning
- Physical activity & health
- Sport & Exercise
We are particularly keen for opportunities for our 3rd year and 4th year placement modules. These run between September and December every year. For placements, students are asked to complete a minimum of 20 hours. They can always do more. For internships, the student can stay on for up to one academic year (September-May) with an aim for employment at a later date.
In addition to recorded feedback and recording of placement hours completed, all we ask is that the students are given a safe and insured place of work with an appropriate staff member to provide feedback and mentorship for each student.
3rd Year Placement Lead: Jonny Glen (j.glen@abertay.ac.uk)
4th Year Placement Lead: Dr. John Babraj (j.babraj@abertay.ac.uk)
Please feel free to contact Jonny Glen regarding 1st & 2nd year placements, or for any other placement enquiries