Application guidance note

Applications for YPSP 2025/26 are now closed. The application guidance note below is available for applicants to refer back to. 


Welcome to the guidance note which will give you some helpful information and hints for completing an application to be part of the seventh Young People's Sport Panel (2025/26). 

We are excited to be on the lookout for the next group of young people to represent the voice of young people across Scotland and help influence and shape the future of sport in Scotland and to raise the profile of sport.  

As well as this guidance note, you should research more about the YPSP via our website and social media. This will help you to learn more about the panel role and what’s involved, which in turn helps you to complete the best possible application. 

We hope that this information helps you with your application, but if you have any questions please check our FAQs section or get in touch at 


Check that you are eligible

We are looking for young people to apply for a YPSP role who:

  • Live in Scotland
  • Are aged between 14 –23*
  • Are passionate about sport
  • Have up to 3 hours a week to commit
  • Want to make a difference

*your age on 18 September 2024


How do I apply?

The options for applying are: 

  • Online application form
  • Video or voice note application

As part of the application, you will be asked to tell us more about yourself via three main questions.  We ask you answer these questions in 200 words or fewer and if you are submitting a video application, the videos should be 1 minute or less for each question.


Application form

It should take you around 20 minutes to complete the application form.

YOU CANNOT SAVE AS YOU GO – you may want to prepare your answers in a Word document, then copy and paste it into the application form when you’re happy with your answers and ready to submit the form. The questions are included later in this guidance note.


Video or voice note application

We welcome applications in other formats too! If you would prefer to send your answers as a video or voice note  you should complete the application form with the exception of sections 10, 11 and 12)   then send your video or voice note for these questions via via WeTransfer to

Your video or voice note should include you answering each of the three main questions, with one minute per question (maximum video length 3 minutes)

Please note that we can only consider either your video/voice note answers, or written answers – you should only submit one or the other.


Closing date

The closing date for all applications is midnight on Wednesday 18th September 2024



Below are the questions we ask within the application form, along with some examples to help you prepare for the application. These are only suggestions so please add anything you feel would strengthen your application.

At the beginning of the application we ask some general questions about you, such as your contact details, age, whether you are at school, college, university or in employment etc. We then ask the following three questions to learn more about you, your experience, your ideas and your motivation:


Question 1 – Your experience in sport

"Tell us about your experience(s) in sport"

Helpful hint: Describe what you have done and how have you been involved by providing examples e.g. volunteering, spectating, participating, coaching, officiating, event/competition organiser, member of a committee, ambassador, journalist, designer, blogger.


Question 2 - Your voice (We want you to represent a voice for young people in sport)

"Tell us what difference you want to make in sport for young people"

Helpful hint: Please give us an example of what you would like to do within the YPSP role to make a difference. This could be anything, big or small, that you are passionate about or think could be improved for young people in sport


Question 3 - Have you got what it takes? 

"Tell us why you want to be on the Young People’s Sport Panel."

Helpful hint: Please share with us what attracted you to apply and give us examples of the skills, knowledge, passion and experience you can bring to the sport panel role.



In some cases we may need to contact a 'reference' to find out more about you, or ask how we can best support you in this process. We might also contact them about your application if we can't reach you through your own contact details.

This could be a teacher, coach, support worker, work colleague or someone similar (where possible this should not be a friend, relative, or family member).  Please make sure you ask the person in advance if they will be a reference for your application.


Equal opportunities

We also ask you to tell us: which gender you identify as, your ethnic group, nationality and whether you have a disability of any kind. You can also select ‘prefer not to say’ if you don’t want to include this information.

At this point in the form you can also let us know whether there is any support we can provide, or adjustments we can make to ensure you are as comfortable and as supported as possible in this process, either in how we communicate with you about the next steps, or if you’re invited to an interview.


What happens next?

Applications reviewed

Once the application deadline has passed, we will review all applications received and will contact you if you are successful in gaining a Stage 1 interview.  We normally have around 150- 200 applications which takes us some time to sift through, but you should hear no later than 7 October. We will offer interviews to as many candidates as we possibly can, as we recognise how helpful it is for candidates to gain experience of an interview.


Stage 1 Interviews / Informal Chat

Ahead of your interview, you will be invited to an online information session with some current YPSP members (various time slots between 11-16 October) This will allow you to find out a bit more about the panel and ask them any questions. It’s a great way to prepare for your interview and understand more about the panel role.

Next you will have an online informal interview. Interviews will take place across a three-week window between the 21 October and 15 November. You will be asked to select an hour-long slot that which is suitable for you within this time frame.

These interviews are more like informal chats with two members of our team and supporting partners. At this stage we will be looking for you to bring your application to life and tell us a little more about you and your experiences and ambitions to make a difference in sport. We want this to be a positive experience for you, so please let us know in advance if there’s anything we can do to support you in the process.    


Stage 2 interviews (up to 50 candidates)

Further information will be sent following stage 1, but these interviews will take place in person on the 2, 4 and 11 December   

All applicants under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Travel expenses incurred will be reimbursed to applicants (within reason), you will be required on the day to fill in a form and provide any travel receipts for processing.


More information

Your application will not be passed to any third parties without your permission or be used for any other purpose. In the form you will be asked if you’re happy for us to put you in touch with some of our local and national partners, this allows us to connect you with further opportunities for leadership and volunteering.

If you have any accessibility requirements or need some additional support in completing an application form, please contact us

If you are a BSL user, please contact us through Contact Scotland.

GOOD LUCK and we look forward to receiving your applications!

Date published: 26 August 2024
Date updated: 19 September 2024


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