
Age: 17

Hometown: Grangemouth


What sport are you involved in and what is it that you love about it?

Gymnastics is definitely my favourite sport and I have been involved since was around 8 years old, I have competed in men's artistic gymnastics competitions and I earned my level 1 gymnastics certification and now teach lessons to various age groups. I feel gymnastics is such a unique sport in which every single person has different strengths and weaknesses but all want to achieve the same goal, it's nice we can all help each other to get better and develop lasting relationships. Additionally, it provides you with a lots of life lessons that you can apply later on such as time management, commitment and dedication.


What motivated you to be part of the Young People’s Sport Panel?

I truly believe it is never too late to start playing a sport and their are many numerous benefits sports can have. I want to put this into practice and be able to inspire the people in our country and serve as an example for citizens throughout our community. The position feels like such a great opportunity for me to actually share my viewpoint and collaborate with others who share my beliefs to develop a community where we can make sport more accessible and inclusive for people.


What do you think are (some of) the big challenges facing young people in Scotland today?

The inclusion, in my opinion, is one of the major issues facing young people in Scotland. Particularly in sports, I think some people choose not to participate in sport or select it for the early phases of the PE curriculum since it can occasionally be repetitive and categorised into distinct groups. I believe that the purpose of sport is to celebrate everyone's accomplishments and unique talents. I believe that PE should include a variety of sports to help students learn more about various sports and to make the class more enjoyable and engaging. This may also be linked to the lack of accessibility and variety at sporting events, which makes it more difficult for people to participate


How do you think sport can help support young people in Scotland?

Sport has many benefits, including improving your physical fitness, building relationship, and providing an opportunity to develop leadership skills but it also enhances mental health. Sport enables people to manage stress and divert their attention from any anxieties they may have, making it a useful coping method for those who face mental health. Sport can offer young people assistance at a time when they are under a lot of stress from school and part-time employment


Is there a role model who inspires you? What is it about them that you admire?

My former gymnastics coach Christina Mason is certainly someone who motivates me to follow a sport. She was the first gymnastics coach I had had, and at certain points, I would see her 25 hours a week, demonstrating how committed she was to teaching us. Her work ethic, her kindness, and the fact that you could always go to her if you were having issues made her someone you could trust. This has really inspired me to work harder with the kids I teach because I know how much it meant to me and I want to be the coach that not only helps them improve their skills but also becomes someone they can trust in.

Date published: 30 May 2023
Date updated: 30 May 2023


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