
Age: 21

Hometown: Aberdeen

What sport are you involved in and what is it that you love about it? Athletics has been my main sport for nearly the past decade. I’ve tried many events from sprinting to pole vault… nothing beats the team spirit and sense of community in the athletics world.

What motivated you to be part of the Young People’s Sport Panel? I think my degree of MA (Hons) Physical Education has been an incentive to be as involved in Scottish sport as I can be… I have experienced both sides of the coin, as a participator of sport and as a provider, so I feel I can really understand some of the barriers young people are facing- I’m grateful to have the opportunity to help dismantle them! 

What do you think are (some of) the big challenges facing young people in Scotland today? I think maintaining positive mental health is a big challenge for us young people. I also think putting our phones down and disconnecting from social media is a challenge as a large amount of ‘socialising’ happens online and no one wants to miss out! I also think the financial side of participating in sport is a barrier, even extending to the older end of ‘young people’ too, as many university students can’t access physical activities due to the cost.

How do you think sport can help support young people in Scotland? I think sport is a brilliant way to build self-esteem because of the high level of social interactions within sport, arguably having a positive impact on mental wellbeing. I also think sport can help people to discover a true sense of self and purpose, further encouraging lifelong engagement with an active lifestyle.

Is there a role model who inspires you? What is it about them that you admire? My Auntie Jenni will always be a huge role model for me. She taught me how to forwards roll with her rhyme: ‘hands up high, hands down low… tuck in your head… and over you go!’. I love using this in my gymnastics lessons (especially with the older year groups) in schools, it’s really funny. She was the fittest person I knew and became a body builder at age 60, despite being terminally ill. A real hero of mine.


Date published: 30 May 2023
Date updated: 30 May 2023


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