
Age: 19

Hometown: Stevenston

Local authority: North Ayrshire


What sport are you involved in and what is it that you love about it?

I currently participate in lawn bowls, which I have played since I was seven years old. Bowls is a sport that not many young people participate in. In the years that I have played I have had many opportunities to take part in tournaments all over North Ayrshire where I have won many trophies and gained success but of course I have a few stand out areas that I will always remember one of these was winning the Scottish triples at junior level which is a tournament that people from all over Scotland take part in, and personally it made me realize how much I love the sport, because at that stage, having the opportunity to meet people from all over the country, I was able to massively improve my communication skills and leadership skills and help my team get over the finish line and win the Ann Dennis Triples.


What motivated you to be part of the Young People’s Sport Panel?

My main motivation to be part of the YPSP was to help change sports for young people in Scotland by making it more accessible and inclusive for all. My experiences in my own area has allowed me to see first-hand the barriers young people face in sport and I think it's important that everyone has the opportunity to take part without feeling like they can't. The YPSP is a great opportunity for me to work with like-minded people and we can work together as a team to help improve sport in Scotland.


What do you think are (some of) the big challenges facing young people in Scotland today?

I think young people in Scotland today are struggling more than ever with the lack of sporting opportunities. I think it's so important that young people have the opportunity to take part in sport because I know from my own experience that it can have a positive impact on mental and physical health. That's why I think it's important to create opportunities to get active and play sport.


How do you think sport can help support young people in Scotland?

Participation in sport can bring many benefits, regardless of the level at which you play. Every young person should have an equal opportunity to achieve their potential and for this to happen it's important that they have the opportunity to get involved. For many young people, sport can be a way to switch off and enjoy participating. It was the same for me because I went through some difficult periods and sport was always what I did because it was always a passion of mine to get involved, which helped me improve my confidence, commitment, and responsibility. I know a lot of young people in Scotland feel the same way, so it's important that everyone has somewhere to go to forget their problems, even if it's just for an hour.


Is there a role model who inspires you? What is it about them that you admire?

A role model for me is my Active Schools Coordinator, Leeanne McPhail and over my years of volunteering I have watched Leeanne go above and beyond to provide opportunities for young people in North Ayrshire this I where I got my inspiration from and with the help of Leeanne and the North Ayrshire Active Schools team, I have been able to provide sporting opportunities for young people in North Ayrshire and give them access to the sports they love.

Date published: 30 May 2023
Date updated: 30 May 2023


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