

Age: 20

Hometown: Muirhead, North Lanarkshire


What sport are you involved in and what is it that you love about it?

I am fortunate to have grown up participating in many different sports, such as swimming, tennis and horse riding, but for a long time my two main sports have been dance and netball. I have been dancing since I was 18 months old and I am grateful to be teaching now as well. I love choreographing and being creative but for me, you can’t beat the feeling of performing. My life definitely wouldn’t be the same without dance. I started netball in Primary 6 and continued it through high school. I love that netball brings people together and I have experienced this through playing and coaching it. 


What motivated you to be part of the Young People’s Sport Panel?

I have been following the panel’s work for a few years now and have continued to be inspired by the difference they are making for young people in sport. This motivated me to apply as I wanted to be a part of making this change for young people in Scotland. 


What do you think are (some of) the big challenges facing young people in Scotland today?

I believe that one of the main challenges young people face on a day to day basis is the consistent need for social media in their life. I myself am guilty of getting hooked on content and spending hours on my phone, and as much as there are positives of using social media such as networking, awareness and education, there are many negatives also. Social Media can be a toxic place, especially for young people, due to the addiction, bullying and depression that can come with it. It is important when using social media to find a healthy balance so it can remain a positive experience, and I believe there are young people out there who need support to do this. 


How do you think sport can help support young people in Scotland?

Sport can support young people in many different shapes and forms. It can be a great way to build new friendships and help you develop new skills. It can be an escape from social media, a break, a time where you don’t feel judged and can truly be yourself. Sport has the power to change someone’s life for the better, and I believe strongly in the positive impact it can have on a young person.


Is there a role model who inspires you? What is it about them that you admire?


I have come across many people in my life who I consider to be great role models from my mum to my scout leader, however, growing up,  I never thought I would feel so passionate about sport and there is someone who played an important role in this. I will forever be inspired by the principle teacher PE at my high school, Mr Flanagan. He is always motivated and willing to go the extra mile to help others and I admire his dedication to developing sport in his school. He has shown me what kind of teacher I want to be through his continued support and encouragement, throughout my six years of high school and even now after I’ve left. 


Date published: 30 May 2023
Date updated: 30 May 2023


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