
Age: 23

Hometown: Dundee


What sport are you involved in and what is it that you love about it?

I have been involved in athletics for the past 9 year with my main event being 400m hurdles. The thing I love most about track is the purity and simplicity of the sport. The relentless pursuit to be best athlete possible pushes me to achieve things that I did not think were possible. It has given me the opportunity to travel the world and meet some fantastic people. 

What motivated you to be part of the Young People’s Sport Panel?

I was intrigued by the sport panel's ability to influence decisions on a national level. Working in the third sector, I see first hand the power that sport has to change the lives of young people. I believe that I can use my knowledge and experience to make a meaningful change for young people, particularly those in the most disadvantaged areas of the country. 


What do you think are (some of) the big challenges facing young people in Scotland today?

Young people are now facing barriers that are now more prevalent than ever. The pandemic shone a light on the huge impact mental health has, and the lack of support available to young people across Scotland. As social media continues to evolve, its influence continues to throw up new challenges previously unencountered. The glamourisation and misconceptions of reality is shifting the way young people see themselves, interact with their peers and control their privacy. We have a duty to highlight and challenge these issues, using sport as a tool for change. 


How do you think sport can help support young people in Scotland?

Sport has the power to bring people together. It allows young people to foster new relationships, which can often last a lifetime. This is especially important in the current climate, where the development of interpersonal skills has been impacted due to the pandemic. Furthermore, sport's ability to influence mental well-being cannot be understated.  The time spent with peers can bring relief from the challenges they face elsewhere. As a Sport Panel it is important that we give young people in Scotland as much opportunity as possible to access sport and allow them to reap its benefits.


Is there a role model who inspires you? What is it about them that you admire?

My sporting role model growing up was Stephen Hendry. Snooker isn't always the first sport people think of when it comes to young people but I think its great. He was a ruthless winner for a decade and broke every record in the book. Snooker requires so much discipline, concentration and mental fortitude. Plus I think it is one of the most deceptively difficult sports. I learnt from Hendry at a young age that you had to spend lots of time, and work very hard to master a skill. More recently, Nadal has many of the attributes which I think are hugely important in many aspects of sport and life. 

Date published: 30 May 2023
Date updated: 30 May 2023


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