
Age: 17

Hometown: Lerwick

Local authority: Shetland


What sport are you involved in and what is it that you love about it?

I’ve played a variety of different sports but the sport I am most involved in, and enjoy the most, is football. Football brings me joy in many ways. I am competitive and l love to win, but as important to me is the bond you create between players which has led to me having many long-lasting friendships which I value highly. I have also been involved in volunteering and coaching opportunities in football. This has given me the chance to encourage, help develop other people’s skills and bring them the same enjoyment from sport.


What motivated you to be part of the Young People’s Sport Panel?

Being a part of the Young People’s Sport Panel is a fantastic opportunity. I really wanted to get involved with this as I was aware how it gives young people the chance to make a real change in sport. It is an ambition of mine to be able to encourage more people to take part and enjoy sport. I would really like to have a career in sport and think that being on the panel will help guide me in this regard. Also, being from Shetland, I can represent an island community which is something I will take great pride in.


What do you think are (some of) the big challenges facing young people in Scotland today?

There are many challenges facing young people in Scotland today and I am hoping being a part of the Young People's Sport Panel means that we can come up ideas and plans to make a difference. I believe one challenge for some young people in Scotland is having the confidence to take part in sport especially after the restrictions of Covid-19. I think that since people were denied the chance to take part in sport and encouraged to stay indoors, some people have become less motivated to get back involved in sport and they have fallen out of love with the sports they once played. Another big challenge for people today is the cost of living crisis. Since the prices of facilities, equipment and sports clubs are on the rise people have understandably become more nervous about getting themselves or their children involved in sports. 


How do you think sport can help support young people in Scotland?

Sport can help support young people in Scotland in many different ways. Sport obviously comes with its physical benefits, but I think most importantly sport can give young people huge mental health and social benefits. From my experiences whenever I am playing any sport, I always enjoy myself and have a smile on my face as the joy I get from playing sport helps clear my head of anything that’s getting me down or stressing me out. Sport also allows people to have a great social life as having a team you’re involved with or even just having a friend to play with can provide people with a sense of community which can lead to long lasting friendships.


Is there a role model who inspires you? What is it about them that you admire?

From my early years until now my biggest role model has always been Sir Alex Ferguson. I admire Sir Alex a lot not only for achieving incredible things for the teams I support, Aberdeen and Manchester United, but for the many valuable qualities he has. He had the ability to get the best out of any player no matter their personality traits or their skill level. He always got players to perform through outstanding communication skills and effective man management.  He is a man who came from very little but retired regarded as the greatest football manager ever.  This was an incredible achievement, but he never forgot where he came from which is part of the reason he is so highly regarded, respected and  has inspired so many.


Date published: 30 May 2023
Date updated: 30 May 2023


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