Safeguarding Young Leaders in Sport for 13-15 year olds

It is everyone's responsibility to respond to any wellbeing or protection issues involving a child or young person. This includes young leaders working with children and young people as they also need to know how to respond to a child/young person who may be in need of help and how to keep themselves safe.

This training course is aimed at young leaders between 13 - 15 years of age. 

By the end of the training the young people will: 

  • Have an understanding of children’s rights and how they relate to sport. 
  • Understand roles and responsibilities around safeguarding and the responsibilities others have for you. 
  • Understand what the terms safeguarding, wellbeing and protection mean. 
  • Be aware of what wellbeing or protection concerns look like and how to respond. 
  • Understand the importance of confidentiality. 
  • Understand the importance of looking after yourself when dealing with safeguarding issues.

This course is to be delivered in a training room environment with a highly trained Tutor alongside an adult known to the group of young people (i.e Teacher, Active Schools Co-ordinator). Please select your Tutor from the sportscotland Approved Tutor List 

To register your course please complete the registration form

Completion certificates will be sent manually, via email, to the course organiser following the course. The course organiser will then have to then have responsibility to distribute the certificates to the participants on the course.

Any issues please email

Date published: 30 March 2023
Date updated: 28 January 2025


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