Standards for child wellbeing and protection in sport

The Scottish Government’s National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland, 2021 highlights that those working in sport will often become significant role models and trusted people in a child’s life. This requires the right people for the role:

  • those who put children and young people’s safety and wellbeing first,
  • who respect their rights
  • listen and take into account their views.

These committed individuals and groups need to be supported, informed and trained by well-managed and child-centred sports organisations that support, promote and safeguard children and young people’s wellbeing.

The Standards for Child Wellbeing and Protection in Sport (Standards) and accompanying Child Wellbeing and Protection Tool (CWPS Tool) have been developed to support these committed individuals and organisations. 

The Standards and CWPS Tool are applicable to all sports organisations who want to create a positive and safe culture for children and young people.  They support individuals and sports organisations by:

  • specifying what child wellbeing and protection policies and procedures organisations should have in place.
  • providing a self-assessment tool to identify areas for development.
  • advising on ‘how’ and ‘what’ can be put in place to achieve the Standards.
  • providing examples of good practice.
  • providing generic and where supplied, sports specific templates and resources.
  • Creating an on-line Action Plan which can be tailored to the organisation to support the implementation of the requirements.

To access the CWPS Tool click the following link to be taken to the Children 1st, Child Wellbeing and Protection in Sport Service (CWPS Service) webpage for further information on the Standards and to access the CWPS Tool.

Standards and tool for Child Wellbeing and Protection in Sport | Children 1st

Date published: 30 March 2023
Date updated: 29 August 2023


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