Wellbeing and Safety Lead Board Member: The Scottish Auto Cycle Union (SACU)

Voluntary Position

Tenure: 4 Years

The Scottish Auto Cycle Union (SACU) is firmly committed to the underlying principles of ED&I. The Board of Directors of the SACU fully endorses the principle of sports equality and strives to ensure that everyone who wishes to be involved in motorcycle sport at all levels:

“Has a genuine and equal opportunity to participate to the full extent of their own ambitions and abilities, without regard to their age, gender reassignment, disability, marital or civil partnership status, pregnancy or maternity, religion, race, sex, sexual orientation or socioeconomic status; and can be assured of an environment in which their rights, dignity and individual worth are respected, and in particular that they are able to enjoy their sport without the threat of intimidation, victimisation, harassment or abuse.”

About the Scottish Auto Cycle Union

The SACU the National Governing Body for motorcycle sport in Scotland. The SACU develops and promotes a number of motorcycle disciplines including:

  • Road Race (inclusive of sidecars)
  • Trials
  • Off Road Speed (Motocross, Enduro, Quads and Supermoto
  • Bike Trials (non-motorised)

Formed in 1913, the SACU now has over forty affiliated clubs which organise more than 180 events each year for all ages and abilities across ninety-four permitted venues; some of which are Forestry and Land Scotland partnerships. The SACU issues competition licences, event insurance and provides training for officials and coaches. Each sporting discipline has its own committee, elected by the clubs, to help promote and develop their sport.

Watch our promotional videos below to learn more.


The Wellbeing and Safety Lead Board Member will be responsible for leading on all aspects of the safeguarding of Children and Vulnerable Groups within the SACU and motorcycle sport in Scotland and be committed to upholding the strict anti-doping standards set out by UKAD.

At the Scottish Auto Cycle Union (SACU) we believe that:

  • The wellbeing of all children and protected adults is paramount. All children and protected adults whatever their age, culture, ability, disability, gender, language, racial origin, parental status, religious belief and/or sexual identity or socioeconomic background have the right to protection from harm of any nature whilst participating in our sport within any capacity
  • All athletes have the right to compete in sport knowing that they, and their competitors, are clean. We believe in clean sport and work in partnership with UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) the Auto Cycle Union and our International Federation (IF) the FIM, to ensure that the integrity of our sport is protected. 

Position Overview

As a member of the SACU Board, the Wellbeing and Safety Lead Board Member will play a critical role in ensuring the safety and wellbeing of vulnerable groups within our sporting community and protecting the integrity of our sport. Your primary responsibilities will be to provide strategic oversight and guidance on all matters related to safeguarding vulnerable groups and ensure compliance with anti-doping regulations to promote a culture of clean and fair sport.

Key Responsibilities

1. Strategic Leadership:

Provide strategic direction and leadership on safeguarding policies, procedures and initiatives to protect vulnerable groups within our sport

Provide strategic direction and guidance on anti-doping policies, programmes and initiatives to uphold the integrity of our sport and protect the rights of clean athletes

2. Policy Development:

Contribute to the development and review of safeguarding policies and procedures, ensuring they align with best practices, legal requirements and the specific needs of our sport

Support SACU staff with the annual review of anti-doping policies, procedures and education programmes in alignment with UKAD standards and regulations

3. Risk Management:

Work with the staff lead for safeguarding to identify and assess potential safeguarding risks to vulnerable individuals involved in our sport and work collaboratively with other Board members and stakeholders to implement effective risk management strategies

Work with the staff lead for identify and assess potential doping risks within our sport and work collaboratively with other Board members and stakeholders to implement effective risk management strategies

4. Training and Education:

Support the implementation of comprehensive training and education programmes for Board members, coaches, officials, volunteers and staff to raise awareness of safeguarding issues and promote a culture of vigilance and accountability

Support the implementation of an education programme to help raise awareness of anti-doping principles and promote a values-based approach to sport among Board members, athletes, coaches, officials and other stakeholders

5. Reporting and Compliance:

Ensure compliance with relevant legislation, regulations and standards pertaining to safeguarding vulnerable groups and oversee the reporting and handling of safeguarding concerns in accordance with established procedures

Ensure compliance with relevant legislation, regulations and standards pertaining to anti-doping in sport and oversee the reporting and handling of concerns in accordance with established procedures

6. Collaboration and Advocacy:

Build and maintain effective partnerships with national anti-doping organisations, government agencies and other stakeholders to advocate for anti-doping initiatives

Qualifications and Experience

The ideal candidate will have:

  • Demonstrated strategic leadership experience in a volunteer led, membership organisation
  • Excellent stakeholder engagement and relationship-building skills
  • Exceptional communication and presentation abilities

In relation to the specifics of safeguarding and Anti-Doping, the candidate will have:


  • Strong understanding of safeguarding principles and practices and knowledge of relevant legislation, policies and procedures related to safeguarding vulnerable individuals, such as child protection and adult safeguarding
  • A commitment to upholding the highest standards of integrity, confidentiality, and professionalism in safeguarding vulnerable groups within our sporting community


  • Strong understanding of anti-doping principles, regulations, and procedures with some knowledge of the work of UK Anti -Doping and the World Anti-Doping Code
  • A commitment to upholding the highest standards of integrity, transparency, and ethical conduct in promoting clean and fair competition within our sporting community

Time Commitment

Attendance at regular Board meetings (typically quarterly) as well as additional meetings or Board / staff working groups as required to address specific issues or initiatives.


This is a voluntary position, although reasonable expenses incurred while performing Board duties will be reimbursed in accordance with our organisation's expenses policy.


Send your CV (In Confidence) to coo@sacu.co.uk

Date published: 28 June 2024
Date updated: 1 July 2024


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