Ordinary Director (Safeguarding): Scottish Rowing

Voluntary Position

Scottish Rowing is seeking an individual with experience of safeguarding and welfare, to join its Board of Directors as an Ordinary Director (voluntary) with a specific remit for Director of Welfare and Protection.

As the Governing Body for the sport in Scotland, Scottish Rowing has people - participants, coaches and volunteers - as a key component of its strategic plan. Our vision is a thriving and welcoming rowing community and we want to foster a safe and inclusive environment for all who wish to be involved.

The role of Director (Safeguarding and Welfare) is critical to helping Scottish Rowing work with the rowing community and clubs to create an environment where everyone understands what is needed and people feel safe and empowered to speak up if there are areas of concern and know that they will be listened to and action will be taken.

The Board meets up to eight times each year including the AGM and planning days. The successful candidate should also expect to commit up to 2-3 hours per month.

The post is non-remunerated although travel and meeting expenses will be reimbursed according to Scottish Rowing's policies and procedures.

The term of office for this post is two years.

If you would like to help drive change and feel you could make a valuable and meaningful contribution to the Board by leading and influencing them in shaping their strategy to include a coherent provision for safeguarding and welfare, then you are exactly the person we are looking for.

More information on this position and how to apply.

Date published: 21 June 2024
Date updated: 21 June 2024


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