Coach: University of Stirling Swim Team

The University of Stirling Swim Team is seeking a dedicated and motivated coach for our competition and social squads. Our team achieved 3rd place in both the SSS and BUSL leagues in 2024, and we are eager to continue our success.

Position Details:

  • Sessions: 7 per week, ranging from 1 hour 15 minutes to 2 hours, totalling 13 hours per week.
  • Season Duration: September 9th to December 8th and January 20th to May 31st.

Job Requirements:

  • Qualification: Level 2 Scottish Swimming Coaching Qualification (or equivalent)
  • Availability: Must be available for all sessions and three weekends during the season.

Application Process:

If you are passionate about developing and improving our swim team, please get in contact with our president Becca, at, for more information about the position.

Closing date: 22 July 2024

Date published: 2 July 2024
Date updated: 2 July 2024


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