Our Sport Facilities Fund (SFF) supports capital projects that help to create or improve places where people take part in sport and physical activity.
We want to support projects that provide more opportunities for people to get involved in and participate in sport & physical activity.
Our budget is circa £2 million per annum and there is likely to be greater demand and competition for funding than is available for us to allocate.
Therefore prioritisation will be given to projects that deliver the greatest impact on our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion objectives: see Sport for Life and our approach to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion - sportscotland the national agency for sport in Scotland
Projects that can clearly demonstrate an inclusive approach that targets participants in/from SIMD areas or areas of rural disadvantage, or those with additional needs, or those from ethnically diverse communities, or other protected characteristics, as identified in The Equalities Act 2010, will be prioritised.
Please read fully the SFF Guidelines for further details of the type of projects we want to invest in and those that we will not be eligible.
Please contact us to discuss your project and eligibility before starting or submitting an application facilities@sportscotland.org.uk
Deadlines for submission of Sport Facilities Fund applications are 5pm on the 1st April and 1st September each year.