Containerised construction changing places

The changing places suite of datasheets indicate designs and construction methods for changing pavilions for a range of team sports. These sheets are intended to help organisations with initial ideas and indicative costs prior to employing design professionals and submitting funding applications for new facilities.

The containerised construction datasheet provides the basic layout and design & cost information for comparison.


This information is provided for guidance only and is not intended to cover every possible situation or scenario that may arise. In all cases, you should seek specific advice from your sporting body relevant to your project.

sportscotland has worked alongside Scottish Governing Bodies to produce this information and whilst every attempt is made to ensure that information provided by sportscotland is accurate and up-to-date, some information is subject to change. No responsibility is accepted by or on behalf of sportscotland for any errors, omissions, or misleading statements within the information. Responsibility can also not be taken for action or inaction as a result of information obtained from sportscotland. In the case of information provided on the website, this also includes information obtained through any site to which the pages connect, including any feature or aspect of such site or pages, whether provided by sportscotland or by any organisation, company or individual. sportscotland will not be held liable for any such information and reserves the right to alter the content of information at any time.

Date published: 29 March 2023
Date updated: 23 August 2023


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