Fit for Girls embodies empowerment of girls. It does this in four ways:
Valuing girls’ voices
Recognises that girls are best placed to determine what will suit their own needs, interests and aspirations – and those of their peers. It enables girls to share their experiences of PEPAS (their ‘stories’) and seeks to ensure all girls have a voice, through empathic and effective consultation.
“I have a voice in the decisions that affect me.”
Promoting peer role models
Provides girls with opportunities to represent, influence and lead each other. This is reflected in national delivery as well as locally. Our tutors are young women who have followed the pathway from participant to local leader to national leader to tutor – whose stories inspire the younger girls. The girls who engaged in the Fit for Girls workshops are then role models for their peers.
“I see and hear from other girls like me.”
Co-creating projects
Involves girls and adults working as equals to plan, implement and evaluate projects that will engage other girls – drawing on a simplified ‘Design Thinking’ approach.
“I can find opportunities that meet my needs.”
Celebrating ‘Unstoppable Girls’
Enables girls to recognise and build on their strengths – using tools to boost their self-belief – and use their skills to create local change.
“I feel like taking part is for me.”