Young Ambassadors, Evie & Jamie-Lee, have always been permanent fixtures in the Tobermory High PE Department, ever since they were in S1!
Both girls are now in S5, and were chosen as House Captains and Young Ambassadors this year. As such, they have helped organise interhouse events such as Sports Day, where they had to ensure enough pupils from each age group were signed up for each event, as well as oversee the team events like Danish Longball and Capture the Flag.
As part of the Young Ambassador programme at Tobermory, they have recently started a school Instagram page, where they plan to do weekly sports updates with information about fixtures, events and sporting successes. This has already proven very popular!
In such a small school, it is vital the Young Ambassadors are an integral part of the PE Department and Senior Pupil Leadership Team, and Evie and Jamie-Lee are very capable sporting leaders!