Tips for clubs

  • Remember that coming along to a session can seem daunting for new participants, perhaps even more so for people with mental health problems. It’s worth thinking through the experience from a new member’s point of view and considering ways to make them feel as included as possible. 

  • Make sure all information is easily accessible via your website or social media. Think from a new member’s perspective – what do they need to know? It’s worth having an FAQs section to cover things like directions, where to meet (and who to meet if possible), what to bring/wear, how to book, if payment is needed (and if there’s a free trial) etc. Even if some things seem obvious, it can be reassuring for new participants to have all available information in one place. Where possible, be aware and responsive to different accessibility needs and varied abilities.

  • Ask your current members how they felt about their first session – what were they most nervous about and is there anything they think could be done differently for new participants?

  • Have someone from the club ready to welcome new members and make sure they are clearly identifiable. You could also set up a buddy system to make sure everyone feels included.

  • Meeting new people is often a motivation for people to join a club, try to build some time in to the session or warm up where participants can chat and get to know each other. Or add some social time such as a tea and coffee catch up before or after the session.

  • Profile some of your members on your website/social media, if possible a mix of ages, abilities and backgrounds to show who you are as a club. Encourage them to talk about the friends they’ve met through the club to highlight the importance of social connection in sport.

Date published: 2 September 2024
Date updated: 11 September 2024


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